Beolab 5000 amplifier (1960s)

Spare parts för Beolab 5000 amplifier from the 1960's.
Service hints:
Warning: Attached speakers may not have a common earth according to the service manual since this could break the power amlifier stage.
- Bias current should be 25mA
- Most of the original Philips capacitors have usually started to leak. Some of them have non-standard values which could be hard to get today. Since they are specified to 20% most of them could be replaced with standard values at the same or higher voltage spec. The 80uF could be replaced with 33+47uF.
- There is a service hint in the service manual indicating that stereo control lamp with a 100 OHM 1W resistor shoud be changed to 330 ohm 5W to avoid overheating the plastic shield.
- If the Beolab gets warm on yhe left hand side then the power supply needs repair. Transistor SE8002 could be replaced by BC141, SE7001 by BF259, 40349v1 by 2SC5548A or BU406. Allways check configuration when using a replacement.